For this class we did the egg drop. I had never done this
activity before, so I did not know what to expect. When I arrived to the class
I received a star (a green star). After we got into groups according to the
color of the star we received. We got a box and couldn’t open onto we were
settle down with our group. We went to the hallway. When we opened the box we
had rubber bands, condoms, shopping bags, strings, balloons and paper. With the materials that we were given we had
to protect our egg. My group decided to cover our egg with condom and many soft
objects that we were given. When the Youth
in Action came and took away material that we had. At first we I was upset
because I thought we did a good in protecting our egg. After that we continue
to use material that we had in our box. We thought our egg was going to make it
which unfortunately it didn’t. When we were outside the other groups had more
materials than we did. At the end my group were upset that we failed.
This activity reminded me of the Ullucci reading. The reason it reminded of this reading was
because if children don’t see what they are missing until they see someone else
with it. what I mean by that is that if they don’t see that are missing resources until they see
these children with more resources. Many children might feel they are being set
to fail, because they don’t have the resources necessary . In my opinion I didn’t
know what I was missing onto I saw other people that had a better education
than I had. I knew that something was missing but didn’t know how to get a hold
of these resources.
I have witness that some communities get more resources than
other. For example, in Rhode Island. Urban schools have less starting from
textbooks and old computes. When you look at other schools they have Ipads and
more technology. I remember when I was in middle school I used the same
textbook my brother used and were seven years apart and these same books were
still being used. The school system want children to have the same education
and expect them to be successful. But how can these children have the same
education without the same resources.
I agree with you when you said" Ullucci reading. The reason it reminded of this reading was because if children don’t see what they are missing until they see someone else with it. what I mean by that is that if they don’t see that are missing resources until they see these children with more resources.It is so true that children only complain when they see that other people have better things than them.Great Post.